Pinon Capital Hill leverages years of finance, business, and E-commerce experience to bring safe, stable investments to passive investors around the United States.

What we do

Pinon Hill Capital is a business acquisition company primarily in the E-Commerce space offering fixed interest rate investment opportunities to accredited investors.

We offer solutions to both investors looking for passive investments and existing e-commerce brand owners who are looking to sell or exit their business.

Pinon Hill Capital Offers
2 investment programs

Investors looking for passive monthly interest, should check out our 3 year, 10% annual interest program, paid monthly. For those looking to grow their wealth overtime, check out our 11% annual interest program, which compounds monthly instead!

Accredited Investor Offering Only

Investors must have either a net worth of $1,000,000 or more to participate in our program, or an income of $200,000 if filing single, $300,000+ if filing jointly.

Only $10,000 to get started

Investment Highlights

Secured Note

This is a secured investment, meaning investors have a first lien position on our assets and are paid first.

Completely Fixed

Fixed interest and fixed principal product. No fluctuations or market volatility whatsoever.

Monthly Interest Options Available

Get paid on the 15th of each month - contractually obligated.

Market Opportunity

The E-Commerce space presents a perfect opportunity for investment companies like ours. Its fast growing and yet to be saturated by large competitors. While companies like Amazon dominate the marketplace, no one company or even group of companies controls the wholesale space. Amazon relies on wholesalers and end distributers to market products on their website. Pinon Hill Capital is perfectly situated to capitalize on this ever growing market.

We partner with Amazon to distribute our products. We use investor capital alongside our own funds to purchase wholesale contracts such as L’oreal Paris products to be sold through Amazon. We also purchase existing brands and stores from entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking to exit their business. Through our expertise, we can drive additional revenues and cash flows further expanding these businesses and bolting them onto our existing portfolio of brands and products.

Get Started on Your Investment Journey

Ready to embark on a journey towards financial growth? Reach out to our team today by filling out the contact form below. Let’s work together to create an investment strategy that brings your dreams within reach.
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